Author: D H

Matrix Transplantations: Transferring ICA Weights Between Same-Subject Data Sets

Matrix Transplantations: Transferring ICA Weights Between Same-Subject Data Sets

This post is still being written and revised, so please take any information you can use, but beware of its alpha status. Questions to be dealt with on this page: What is the reasoning behind applying ICA on a data (sub)set and then transferring its weight matrix to another? What exactly does such a transfer/transfusion …

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Example Case: Strong Locomotion Artifacts in ICA Decomposition

Example Case: Strong Locomotion Artifacts in ICA Decomposition

This post is still being written and revised, so please take any information you can use, but beware of its alpha status. On this page I take an in depth look at an a-typical ICA decomposition of a data set consisting of concatenated recordings of a single subject across four conditions (sitting, standing, walking and …

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Independent Component Analysis of EEG data: A Primer and Some Collected Resources

Independent Component Analysis of EEG data: A Primer and Some Collected Resources

Independent component analysis is an artificial neural network algorithm that is very good at extracting statistically independent signals/features/sources from a variety of data inputs, and does this already very well when purely data driven, meaning: It is able to do so without guidance (‘blind source separation’) and is often explained using the cocktail-party effect. Among …

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Small-time Supercomputing: An idiot’s attempt at running AMICA on a two-lab-computers-cluster using MPI

Small-time Supercomputing: An idiot’s attempt at running AMICA on a two-lab-computers-cluster using MPI

A timelapse of statistically highly correlated mental events: *Those ICA decompositions do take their time…*  (After the second time running Infomax ICA in BVA) *Well, this seems quite a bit faster! And it even gives me an estimate of when it finishes!* (Running AMICA on the same system 4 months later) *What if I installed …

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